From: GOTAM35 (
Date: Wed Oct 23 2002 - 19:46:39 PDT
It's the deuce killer here. After yesterdays "blow up" I had to pull the
7000 pound track-hoe on my 10,000 pound trailer behind my F-250, with the
electric brakes working of course. I pulled it between 60 and 70 mph most
of the time.
I prefer a trailer over a dolly, but I have used a dolly a time or two and
they seem to work well. You can't back them up. That can cause some
complications at gas stations and so forth. No brakes on the dolly either.
If you can round up a trailer, I think it would be worth the effort. If you
don't have a brake box in your truck, get one. This is one hobby were a
trailer with brakes is a must, unless your rich.
Spent two hour removing manifolds today. I would like to thanks all the
guys that "told you so". I would like to realy thank the one's that give
consrutive advice. Got to drive to Florida tomorrow to pick up a Volvo road
tracktor. Must go to bed.
Joe Trapp
Blythewood, SC
67 Kaiser M35, complete except for one square inch of head gasket.
>Paul wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for advice in trying to tow a rolling M37 180 miles using my
> Ford F-250 supercab 4WD. In theory, the F-250 can handle the gross
> combined weight, but I'm wary. Can I get away with a tow dolly,
> presumably sticking to low speeds (45mph)? What about a flat tow in this
> situation.
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