From: Thomas M McHugh (
Date: Mon Oct 28 2002 - 06:03:13 PST
I rebuilt the pump using TM 9-1828A. The pump is an NOS pump & required
the new rubber to be used with modern gas. The pump was a gift from an
old NCO friend & I did not want to exchange it. Obviously , that should
have been the preferred action.
The engine DOES RUN with the old glass top pump. The old pump vapor
locks once in a while, which is why I was replacing it.
The spacer for the pump is a take off from another M38A1. Mine had the
short shaft glass top pump & no spacer.
Question: Are there different thickness spacers ???
What manual has the priming lever shown ??? Anyone have a picture
or section that could be scanned or copied, to be sent ??? I had no
idea what it did, but did not modify that section. There is a short
shaft, about 1/4 inch, that sticks up, but, I do not know what it moves.
Perhaps there is a missing part ???
Question: If the priming lever is inoperable, will the pump work ???
Thanks for the check valve info.
On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 08:32:02 EST writes:
> Tom, who rebuilt the pump? Check to see that the INlet is on the
> front end
> of the pump, or facing the radiator. That occasionally happens
> during
> re-assembly. John
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