Re: [MV] Seacoast Surplus

From: Paul A. Thomas (
Date: Thu Oct 31 2002 - 09:45:47 PST

In this long standing thread, a number of listers claim to have left voice
messages for 'Charlie'. He has not returned them. Others have seen him at
MV events during this time.
It does sound like he has decided not to honor his contracts. It COULD be
a number of odd problems, but as this is dragging on and most of the people
who are out money liked/trusted him, it's probably time to call the Post
But I, too, am curious why there aren't any other listers in or near Boston
who might drop by. Perhaps 'Charlie' has a record of carrying firearms and
practicing at will?
I think the list has bent over backwards trying to give him the benefit of
the doubt. Read the posts over the past 2 or so months. If he or his list
buddies won't speak up, then people have to move on, try to either protect
their interests of keep other list members from being screwed. Ebay buyers
as well.


At 12:31 PM 10/31/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Before everyone gets crazy, Surely someone can track down the guys phone
>number or address so a followup can be done.
>So far all I know is that the guys name is Charlie and hes from North of
>Boston. How about posting more relevant info that that! Many seem to have
>done business with him before so surely someone at least has a mailing
>address or phone number. How about sending the guy a registered letter
>demanding satisfaction? Has everyone forgottem human methods of
>communication in this internet age?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: J. Forster []
>Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 12:30 PM
>Subject: [MV] Seacoast Surplus
>Seacoast Surplus is active on eBay right now. Check out search by seller:
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