Seacoast Surplus

From: John Cook (
Date: Thu Oct 31 2002 - 19:34:35 PST

Hi List,
  It appears that several of us have issues with Seacoast Surplus!!!!
 My latest emails and phone messages have all mentioned that my next step is
to contact the Federal Trade Commission about the possibility of mail fraud
  I can understand a delay in shipping, I have gotten myself covered up in
work and taken a while to ship stuff to people before......but I always let
them know whets going on......not shipping and being unwilling to respond to
folks who have all ready paid is unacceptable!!!
  I would bet that Charlie has "blocked sender" on my email address by now ,
but any of you fine folks on the list who would like to email Charlie on
behalf of us who can't get a response from him , please feel free. I ask
that you don't slander or libel him ,just ask him to respond to those he has
accepted payment from and has not ship to.......... is the address if you care to write
Charlie on our behalf.

   To those of you who haven't read about this before, I sent Seacoast
Surplus payment for Gama Goat parts in August. I have not received the
parts and Charlie(Seacoast Surplus) won't respond to emails or phone
messages. There seems to be a growing list of folks in the same
situation..... I just want the parts I paid for so I can drive my goat....
I don't want a big fuss or fight!!!
 I'm not sure how to proceed, I'm about to reorder the parts from other
sources , I'm tired of waiting and well past frustrated!!!!!!!!

   what do ya'll think about all of this,

  John Cook

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