Re: [MV] WD-40 (was:Re: [MV] Cold weather starting aids)

Date: Fri Nov 22 2002 - 18:21:37 PST

I learned about the flammable attributes of the old WD40 one day while servicing a power burner on a big old boiler. This particular burner had a centrifugal gas valve that was hanging up. I manually freed up the valve and fired the burner up. I then applied a good shot of WD40 (to clean and lubricate)onto the shaft and weights of the valve which was right in the primary airflow.... this all done of course while laying next to the burner trying to get a real good view. I hate the smell of burnt beard. It follows you around for a long time. My employees thought it was a hoot. DJ McConnell M35A2

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