fuel savers???

From: Everette (194cbteng@pchnet.com)
Date: Sun Dec 01 2002 - 14:46:06 PST

I have been reading with interest the "fuel economizer" thread - my .02

Few years back I acquired a civilian pickup that had a "fuel saver" - "money
saver" on it. A piece of copper pipe about a foot long and about 2 inches
in diameter, with water outlet on one end and inlet on the other, water from
radiator flowed through this, also small fuel line went through center so
fuel was heated by hot water from radiator - expanded fuel so less actual
fuel went to carburetor - hence you saved money - The only people who made
money with this in my opinion were the people who made the gadget -

On the other hand I well remember my drag racing days when I was much
younger and we had a container with a coil of fuel line in it just before
carburetor and the container held ice - salted ice at that - so fuel would
take up less space and you could get more fuel in same space in carbonator.
Time trial proved this did work. But we also thought that the extra weight
of this gadget - ice an all maybe 10 pounds could have offset the fuel

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