Re: [MV] definitions

From: Paul A. Thomas (
Date: Tue Dec 03 2002 - 07:29:51 PST

> Or maybe they have such a low regard for the other people on list.

Or perhaps they are from New York. I grew up on Long Island, however am
from California. Numerous times as a child and as an adult I've seen the
difficulties many New Yorkers have reigning in their tongues when they are
transferred to Ca. F*** is a noun, verb, and pronoun to the majority of
New Yorkers ( at least NYC and the boroughs ). They rarely think of it, as
smokers rarely think of their smoke bothering someone else. Now the
reverse is coming true: Californians visiting back east often find people
smoking near them completely offensive. Yet the smokers at the next table
in NY feel insulted, as tho smoking were a right. Who is right?

Occasional List cursing doesn't bother me: if someone curses or rants a lot
I delete their posts. If they go wild with it I HOPE the list
owner/moderator bans them. After all, some good people feel Ass should be
a banned word.

.02 deposited.


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