Re: [MV] B-17 History ?

From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Sat Dec 28 2002 - 10:18:13 PST

Looks like I need to see a certain PBS show again. That is, if I could
stomach looking at it again. I was depresssed after watching it the
first time :-(


>Steve Grammont wrote:
>> >Second, the Kee Bird, a B29, was landed on a frozen lake. An
>expedition was
>> put together by Daryl Greenamyer, with the plan to fly it out. As
>stated, they
>> got it running and ready to take off, and it was burned up by a leaking
>gas can
>> hanging over an APU.
>> I remember seeing a documentary on this. One man died from injuries
>> while mounting one of the engines.
>PBS Nova did a show on this effort. The guy got sick and died, but not from
>> The fire, if I recall, was started by an electrical problem.
>> Steve
>As I remember, they did not have time to fully smooth the runway, and the
>tail of
>the plane bounced and the APU came loose and started the fire. They did
>not have
>extinguishers for it.-John

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