USMC Armor Question

From: Fred Martin (
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 09:22:55 PST

While attached to a dock landing ship and in the far east in the 59/60
era....we loaded a marine outfit at Buckner Bay, Okinawa and hauled them
to Yokosuka, Japan for R&R. When arriving there we were informed by the
Japanese government that we couldn't bring them into Japan because the
(2?) tanks in the welldeck were capable of firing an atomic round.
(probably treaty stuff) I personally went up on deck and looked at what
we were carrying. I seen a tank that had a (what looked like a dozer
blade on the back) and a main gun that looked to be in the range of 8 or
9" bore. Also, I noticed that on one barrel it said "Terrible Tony".
Does anyone know anything about these? We took the marine outfit to
Subic Bay, Phillipines....way better San Miguel beer.
grin While underway...I heard two marines talking about if the ship
went down and they were in a lifeboat....what would you wish for? One
spoke up and said "Make the ocean turn into beer". The other one said
"you dumba$$....we'd have to pee in the boat!" Fred

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