HMV fleamarket in Lowell MA on March 9 2003

From: Steve & Jeanne Keith (
Date: Sat Jan 11 2003 - 13:39:11 PST

The Merrimack Valley Military Vehicle Collcetors will sponsor their annual

Lowell Mass fleamarket on Sunday March 9, 2003 from 9-2

Vendor setup at 8 AM

Tables: Call Ed Celino 603 880-4293

Take rte 495 to the Lowell Connector

Take the Plains St exit off of the Connector

Take a right at the and of the ramp.

The Lowell VFW is just 100 ft up the hill on the left

See you there!!!!!!!

Steve AKA Dr Deuce (& Secretary of the MVMVC)

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