From: Ronzo (
Date: Sat Jan 18 2003 - 14:49:17 PST
Dear Hankie and listers:
While I can understand your desire to show and garner the respect due to
the"Heavier M series Iron" I feel it would be a mistake to limit membership
to 5/4 ton and up. The new club should be open to ALL M series vehicles and
equipment, regardless of size or possible WWII parentage.
Lord knows that we would repeat the dark ages of the 60's where the WWII
types felt they were the only REAL collectors of Military Vehicles, even
though some limited numbers of M series were finding their way into private
Instead of creating an auxiliary "Big Brother" organization for 1 ton
and smaller, all sizes should be allowed membership. In fact, in the true
spirit of MV brotherhood, it should be expanded to include all POST WWII
vehicles from any nation.
We should then expand our lofty goals by aiming higher. Yes, form a new
NATIONAL organization, The M.V.O.A., the Military Vehicle Operating
Association. An organization whose main purpose is to OPERATE the fine M
series equipment our tax dollars created that are now in our hands. Let the
old guys try to preserve what's left of the original random attempts of
creating a motorized armed forces versus our operating vehicles that were
designed from the ground up AS MILITARY VEHICLES.
No more WWII only convoys, M series need not apply. There would be only
MV convoys and Old Trucks used in WWII (OTUIWWII--Pronounced Oh 2 Wee-
kinda like a sneeze) convoys. Like the planned Churchville Convoy, OTUIWWIIs
could bring up the rear, like the civvy vehicles to Churchville.
In the immortal words of whatsis name 'Why can't we all just get
Whadda ya say?
PS FWIW....the Oh 2 Wee pronunciation DOES not have anything to do with
references to incontinence. Then again, June Allison would make a pissa (no
pun intended) Poster Girl for the OTUIWWII crowd, don'tcha think..... truth
in advertising, age appropriate and all that....
----- Original Message -----
From: "Henry J. Fackovec" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 4:41 PM
Subject: [MV] That It!!!!! Was RE: [MV] CONSPIRACY THEORY Was Re: [MV] E ay
Items disappear
> That's It....
> Ronzo: Put the papers in on Tuesday to incorporate the Northern Mass,
> Southern N.H. Larger (5/4 ton and up) M Series Collectors Club.
> (N.M.S.N.H.L.5./.4.T.A.U.M.S.C.C. for Short).
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