From: Witold Grzymala-Busse (
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 06:37:50 PST
In the mid to late 80's there was a well run media campaign about the evils
of Asbestos.
Like the silicon breast implant fiasco and the Y2K scare alot of
misinformation was spoon feed by the mass media to the public. This dribble
only contained half-truths and was ment as a vehicle to boost network
Lets get several things straight about Asbestos. Asbestos is not a specifc
mineral, rather it is a familly of minerals.
To be specifc fiberous silicates. Like in any familly there are black
sheep. In the asbestos familly only about 5% of all the silicates are
considered dangerous!! 95% are pretty much harmless.
Before the ban, asbestos was mined from the earth, in places that mined the
asbestos there was a high asbestos dust content in the air, people from
these mining towns were not dying like flies from asbestos, much to the
chagrin of the mass media!
One of the several occupation groups (there are very few!!!) that did have
asbestosis, where ship insulation installers in WWII, They applied asbestos
in huge quantities to victory ships.
If you are wondering why I know anything about asbestos I took a Mineralogy
class to finish my geology degree.
As for MV content- how hard is it to replace a drum break on a deuce, I need
to change on of my shoes, a TM with a chapter reference will work.
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