From: GOTAM35 (
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 20:05:33 PST
Hello snow bound people of the north, and everyone else too.
I just picked up my latest truck load of booty from Ft Jackson, care of GL,
and the main thing I was after was a tow bar. I got two in my lot of stuff
but I believe they are missing some parts. I am assuming from watching Mr.
Baker's video of the M5 unloading that I need two pieces to connect the tow
bar to the truck points. Is this the case? I will try to get a picture of
them on my web site in the next day or two. These buggers are telescopic in
nature and I don't know what they go to. I have the NSN number and I might
post that later.
There was also a really cool aluminum table with telescopic, folding legs in
my pile too. I don't know what it goes to but I think it is a keeper. The
cost to the government was $16,300. I sure wish I could get one of those
govment contracts.
Anyway any pointers on the tow bars would be appreciated. I of course plan
to sell one and keep one.
Joe Trapp
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