From: Walter Houghton (
Date: Mon Mar 10 2003 - 14:27:58 PST
Ron, Your 1st paragraph says millions about me and george at VCS. Here is
my sickness. I have known George since I was knee high, my father taking
me there way before I got "the sickness". Since I lived only 20 minutes
away, I frequent there often usually 2 to 3 times a week to see what "new
discoveries" had been found and what the "daily specials" are. I currently
live only 2 min away, but for a majority of this time I have been home and
unable to get there to visit because of a broken ankle. Being so close,
sometimes I feel the pressure change in the area, " possibly something green
being sold and leaving the area that I needed from george????" As the wife
drives me to work we head down the main road to where he is at. I strain to
look past the trees for the quick glimpes in his yard for something new.
As I get closer to my freedom from a leg cast, I dream of rummaging
through the vast containers looking for the "rare" items that are out there
and hearing the words "you are dipping into my personal stash"
And yes.................."keeping them for myself"
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