Re: [MV] First Post

From: Patrick Jankowiak (
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 21:37:25 PST

Fortunately I got mine from Jeff Symanski, so it had already been
serviced and checked. All filters clean, etc. So yes I suppoose I did
go on the light side for supplies. I did not however have any hearing
protection, and I managed to learn a good lesson that way.

Walter Houghton wrote:
> Just a gallon of oil??????? Pending on the distance that you need to drive,
> I would have on hand no less then 2 gal. There is no telling what leaks that
> might be created from dry seals. I would also have some brake fluid on
> hand. Probably would not hurt to have some 90 wt too. A definate yes on
> the wrenches. Something to pull fuel filters if need be. If I were to do
> it all over again and need to go a distance, I would have a set of
> secondarys on hand to change. When I got my truck home, I had never seen a
> filter so nasty( and I have worked on radial engines that spun bearings
> enough to see part numbers in the filters.) Other then that, like what was
> mentioned before, take your time and have a adventure.
> Jeff
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