M548 tracked vehicle

From: Muttguru@aol.com
Date: Wed Mar 19 2003 - 04:53:06 PST

Dear listers..... here's a message I got from a not-yet subscribed lister...
Can anyone help him, please?

His e-address is: jwagner86@juno.com


<<Hey Ken- need to see who can help me in the network out there-

We have an immediate need for ANY M548 tracked vehicle that someone knows
about, has seen, owns, etc that is for sale. Need to find it asap. Can
you send a msg out to the mailing list with this request? Prefer it to
be stateside for a multitude of reasons, unless it's a really good deal.
Anyone in the states can call me at 303-378-1020 anytime.


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