From: Nigel Hay - MILWEB (
Date: Fri Mar 21 2003 - 10:43:08 PST
NBC's David Bloom would make a wonderful commentator for an HMV meetingor
public show - Andy Wharhol said every one had 15 mins of fame - this guy is
getting 9 lives worth
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronzo" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 6:03 PM
Subject: [MV] Possible MV overload?
> Damn, the fact we have guys in danger over there AGAIN makes me ill.
> The fact that they are allowing such bizarre open news coverage is
> driving me nuts.
> Watching the addictive NBC TV coverage of live, FOR REAL, transmission
> of the 3rd ID on the move is FREAKING incredible! Like it's the
> of Roses Parade or the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade or some other spectator
> sport!!
> David Bloom is the 'imbedded' correspondent, and is 'stuck' to an M88
> Recovery Vehicle and is now showing the M88's crew preparing to tow a
> disabled M577 Command Track with a tow bar using low light cameras. Says
> desert 'tracks' are beating the crap out of the equipment. His camera
> equipment allows on the move transmissions of the column and his ride
> to have only 15 or so vehicles ahead of it. Has over 800 vehicles BEHIND
> in column (which is presently stopped for refueling).
> I'm curious who's putting out all the orange cones ahead of the column
> which it is driving between (again like a parade). Wonder if we're gonna
> start seeing signs on the RoM like we see in our interstate highway
> construction areas, you know:
> " Pardon Our Appearance --- Regime Change in Progress ---- Building a
> Better Iraq---- Be Prepared to Stop---PUSH 41.75 MHz for travel
> and delays--- DO NOT Exceed 65 KPH or 875 Rounds per Minute in Combat
> Zones---Speed Fines DOUBLED In Combat Zones----Traffic Laws STRICTLY
> Enforced By JSTARS, Apaches and Unmarked HMMWV's---DO NOT TAILGATE---If
> experience mechanical difficulties, Pull off to the RIGHT SIDE of the RoM
> and STAY with Your Vehicle---Free Road Services provided by the CVS Good
> Samaritan M88's ----ONSTAR is Unreliable within 75 miles of
> Tommy R. Franks, Commander, Provisional Governor of a Democratic Iraq ---
> Have a GREAT DAY!!!! "
> The weather is approaching 62 degrees outside, but I can't leave the
> because there is so MUCH MV video being transmitted that shows all these
> views of troops and gear in action that we will never see again.
> BTW....NBC said a little while ago that B52's left Hereford England
> about 7+ hours ago, showed their flight track, stated their loadout and
> they will be on station 'in the basket' off Baghdad in about 45 minutes or
> so....don't know why, but this just seems SO wrong to be watching
> the ultimate accident rubbernecking or watching a train wreck.
> Probably the only thing weirder would be watching live terminal flight
> stages of Ballistic Nukes as they drop in on us......
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