Re CNN Quote of the day

From: aussierob (
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 04:51:08 PST
Dave Hello:
It's hard to follow this thread when i picked it up mid stream.
However, the seems to be a tone throught the post which is like the
Hollywood elite's viewpoint. Doesn't matter who - how - what - just hate
Bush at any cost. Just hate every action.

However, that is not my real point.
A quote from Dave;
Flame on, but I'm pissed that we are losing American men and women to
support Bush's agenda.
I grew up with Vietnam body counts on TV and I didn't want to see this
happen again.
Dave. (end of Dave's quote)

Well Dave, there's something wrong with that last sentence of yours in
principle !
You say you grew up with Vietnam body counts and you don't want to see any
more. Well Dave you did see more didn't you?
3000 more, right in NYC!
But this time, it wasn't in far away places. It's here on our shores
Did you see yesterdays news.
"A tanker truck was stolen laden with toxic fertilizer or similar. (sketchy
reporting of chemical) The truck was recovered yesterday with no chemicals
Dave I wonder just where and when this liquid will show up next ?
Who might want to steal such a cargo?
The red Cross - No !
The local Churches - No !
Nice friendly neighbors - No !
Some terrorist group fundamentalist wacko's that hate us and want to kill
north Americans using any method that they can their hands on - Yes

It's here already. If the chemical weapon manufacturing plant that was found
in Iraq last week was able to stay in production... I just wonder Dave, was
is better for the Bush regime to stop that production or would it be better
for them bastards to build and build and stockpile.
Remeber when we invade it is not to overtake a rule like a dictator, we go
to untie the hands of the people. Those bastards like saddam and the like
have one aim. That is to kill and maim and to take over the world in the
name of Allah Dave, like it or not you too are an infidel their
radiacal eyes.I hate the war but preferr then that we act on their turf.
They have poked us in the eye Dave.
We've had far too much touchy, warm, fuzzy, feel good, lead by eaxample, and
all that crap. It's time to smack these guys rught where it huts only this
time on their turf .

Just my 3 cents worth.
(Ok, sorry if this is replying to the wrong Dave. However I was writing to
the Dave that wrote the section I quoted.)

Best E'gards,
early willys jeeps - an MB and an MZ

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