From: R. A. Moir aka RAM (
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 15:35:12 PST
I offer my congrats to the committee and workers at the Dover Rally and Flea
Mkt... I saw many members and wives all three days that I was there...
there was coordination, good food and good control of all aspects of the
show... The weather was as I had ordered it last week on my SPCR msg.
The cooperation of the NG, the CAP, the local Police and the friendly public
made it a good time...Where else could you look at 15 M911 Oshkosh Draggin
Wagons in a row and also a Duster and about a hundred other collector
vehicles....??? I missed seeing Joe Young... I was happy to see Pop
recovering nicely from problems last year and I will always miss ACE ....job
well done..RAM
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