carb and brake lines

From: Klein, Bob (
Date: Tue Apr 01 2003 - 13:56:06 PST

Everyone, thanks for the help on the carb. Mutt 2 is running good. I took the adjustment screw and went all the way in and backed it off 1 1/2 turns. Seemed to work like a charm. Mutt1 carb haven't got to it. I don't know if this is related to why it is dying (on average once for every three hours of running), but I did take the valve cover off because I have an oil leak there. I figured I would replace the valve cover gasket. In doing that I discovered the head has a crack in it right on the top, near the front. The crack doesn't seem to go all the way to the block. Oil is probably coming out of this crack and the valve cover. Could it be related?

Also, I think I remember someone flushing the brake lines with a solution. Is there a way to clean the lines out before you put fresh brake fluid in? I opened up Mutt 2 master cylinder to find coagulated brake fluid near the cap. It looks brown and nasty. Brakes work, but not very good. I figured I would clean the brake system before putting in new fluid. Ideas?

bob klein
Florida Gulf Coast University
Coordinator, Educational Media-Communication
Graphic Designer

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