Re: [MV] Baghdad liberation

From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 11:28:58 PDT

>yes but someones going to get a bollocking over the flag flying, albiet

They put an American flag up there for something like a minute, then took
it down and handed it to an Iraqi who waved it around before handing it
back to the Marines (not to appear again). About 5 minutes later they put
a pre GW1 Iraqi flag up there and left it up for a bit longer than the US
flag. Then they carefully took it down so that it wouldn't be disgraced
by hitting the ground with the statue. This flag was then held up on the
pedistal after the statue had fallen.

At first I was very unhappy about the US flag going up. BUT... I think
the symbolism of the US putting its flag up THEN taking it down AND
replacing it with an Iraq flag is a fantastic message. How many
countries on this Earth, throughout history, would win a military
victory, haul up and remove their own flag, and replace it with the
domestic flag?

A friend of mine reported seeing an interview with a Marine Major on the
spot who said that the above message was intended and not accidental.
 Even if it wasn't, I think it was amazing.

Sadly, I don't think this is how it will be seen by Arab and anti-war
media. But then again, they will always find a way to put a negative
spin on anything we do. So that is a lost cause no matter what.


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