From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Thu Apr 24 2003 - 07:52:28 PDT
>Be careful...the Yugo came from somewhere over in there. Fred
Sorta... Yugoslavia :-) I had the pleasure of being driven around
trecherous mountain roads (with the Adriatic hundreds of feet below me)
completely plastered (me, probably driver too) in a Yugo. All I can
remember saying is "I'm riding in a Yugo in Yugoslavia" :-) Fortunately,
I think the little car is as much a part of history as the nation that
built it.
MV content -> while there I saw a Yugoslav Army unit on the side of the
road. They apparently had just come back from some sort of exercise that
involved teargas. The few guys that weren't sitting in the back of their
MILITARY VEHICLE (looked to be a 1.5 ton) with glazed eyes were puking.
Just what every tourist wants to see! I also saw some high ranking
officers drive up in a (French?) civilian car to check in on how their
men were doing. That looked really funny!
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