Re: [MV] Wall Street Journal report

Date: Wed May 14 2003 - 17:27:23 PDT

In a message dated 5/13/2003 3:12:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> I'd be fond of any "12-wheel" 2.5-ton trucks, too, if I
> could find any!
> What's your secret, David?

That is but one of a number of problems that crept into this somehow. She apparently used none of the actual "interview", which explained weighing the risks of buying from GL (hoping to save money) vs buying from a reputable dealer, perhaps paying a bit more, and knowing what you get. Instead fluffed up some of the background info...I suppose an attempt at making this a "human-interest" story.

You know what they say, don't believe all that you read.


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