From: m35products (
Date: Thu May 15 2003 - 18:32:31 PDT
With that out of the way, let me tell you about a friend who, in the early
1950's, with his wife and small daughter, travelled across most of Europe,
the middle East, and on through Pakistan, India, and then home via the
Pacific. The land portion was done in a step-van type truck. To satisfy
the demands of numerous highwaymen and other desert thieves, my friend took
bundles of old valueless stock certificates, and "hid" them in small buches,
in and around the bodywork, under floorboards, etc, as if they were very
valuable. He said that he chose certificates with big numbers, and lots of
zeros. When he was stopped (and he was, several times) he reluctantly
allowed the thieves to "find" the papers, and they were very impressed with
the "real big American money". (He kept the real money in a jerry can with
a false bottom.) I thought that Michael might want to try this scheme as he
does his round the world caper.
Arthur P. Bloom
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Goodden" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 5:47 AM
Subject: [MV] M109 Workshop body Questions
> Hiya All
> After much deliberation I've decided to go with an M109 body to mount on
> my M35 for the around the world trip. I'll be getting it on Wednesday
> and mounting it straight away.
> I just had a couple of questions that I thought other M109 owners would
> easily be able to answer....
> Firstly what is the insulation like in the body? ... considering I'll be
> using this in extremes from Siberia to the Sahara desert in anyone's
> experience how good is the insulation at keeping the body warm in the
> cold and cool in the heat? ... or would I be better to rip out the
> insulation and put in some modern stuff?!?!?
> I also wondered if there was a spacer in the chassis mounting. If you
> look at the mount onto the chassis is there a 6" steel girder that is
> part of the body structure with an nice empty space running all the way
> down it? (this is for me to mount some tanks into!!)
> Also does anyone have a scrap M109 body that I could purchase the Doors
> and a couple of windows with shutters from as I'd like to add in a side
> door and also some extra windows? (anywhere in Europe or the US, can
> you let me know cost, and approx size and weight so I can check
> shipping).
> Many thanks for any help
> Mike
> ___________________
> Michael Goodden
> The Global Tipi Adventure
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