Date: Sat May 17 2003 - 06:00:26 PDT
Setting a price and sticking with it is the way to go. BUT, just to add
another conspiracy theory, I and almost everybody I know who bids on GL have
found that the item will go for the exactly the proxy bid limit more often
than not. Coincidence? May be. GL makes more money the higher the item goes
and they won't release bidder information. As cool as David Wright is and he
quickly answers questions, I just don't trust GL. I know several big buyers
that refuse to buy through them.
And then there's titles. I know of two states that won't accept the GL
paperwork of the Form 97 and bill of sale. If GL is actually a licensed
Arizona car dealer, all they have to do is get a dealer reassignment form
from the AZ DMV, it's free. They won't. They would rather hit you up for
another 60 bucks or whatever it is to get an Arizona title and make MORE
For my final conspiracy theory, I've heard from several sources that
Hillary Clinton is a major stock holder in GL's parent company. Can anyone
confirm or deny this?
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