Trailer Plates

Date: Wed May 21 2003 - 04:58:52 PDT

It should be pointed out that the plates RONZO refers to on his deuce are TRAILER plates.
Hey whatever works. / KB

Message-ID: <003c01c31ed2$50fb0760$0300a8c0@laptop>
From: "Ronzo" <>
Subject: Re: [MV] Liscence plate mounting/location
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 09:18:33 -0400

On my deuce I mounted a lighted license plate holder on the left tail light
bracket inboard of the tail light. Wired it in to the tail light using a
military wiring connecter kit, but weather proof 3M tap connectors would
also work, followed by a blast of flat black paint to mask the state
required MWO.

  In my state, a front plate must also be displayed and the use of ty-wraps
on the grill is not an option. So, I drilled a couple of holes in the bumper
and there she be. If you whish, a piece of canvas could be put over it for
parades, or you could remove the plate.

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