[MV] Looking for Advice on How Title My Jeep in Virginia

From: Brown, Herb (BRown@ida.org)
Date: Fri Jun 13 2003 - 06:41:10 PDT


I just got back from trying to title my 1945 MB Jeep at the VA, DMV. I had a bill of sale (8 years old) filled out by the previous owner that had the jeep in his garage for about 2 years until his wife told him to get rid of it. I got it for $600, and my kids told me I got took -- that may give you an indication of its condition. He did not have a title because he got the jeep (totally unserviceable) from a relative that had it on a farm for approximately the previous 10 years. He believed that this vehicle was on another farm for 10 or more years before that.

The woman at the DMV was very nice, but said she couldn't use the documentation I provided. She suggested two alternatives:

1) File an "Affidavit of Compliance Under the Abandoned Motor Vehicle Act." In this case, I need to get the state to first search for an old title (another form plus $8 fee) and wait for a response. Once I receive a response, I need to submit a registered letter to anyone that had that title, if any, including the person I bought the jeep from, claiming the vehicle is abandoned. This is to be done with a registered letter, and advising them to remove it. If they do not respond within 30 days, I may apply for a title in my name. However, (as most of you realize by now) I have put in a lot of effort, time (8 years), and $'s. I do not want to risk the loss of this vehicle. Instead I want to drive it this summer!!!

2) The other suggestion was to apply to the court, and get them to assign ownership to me. This last approach she did not know how or where I should begin.

Therefore, I am turning to the experts --THAT'S ALL OF YOU!! ---- All suggestions are welcome, especially real experience any of you may have had in Virginia.

Thanks in advance, Herb


Enjoy your day -- Preferably in an old (1945 MB) jeep.

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Herbert R. Brown
Institute for Defense Analyses TEL: 703-845-6663
4850 Mark Center Drive FAX: 703-845-6848
Alexandria, VA 22311 e-mail: hbrown@ida.org

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