rain 0n highway, and lockouts locked in!

From: Patrick Jankowiak (eccm@swbell.net)
Date: Sat Jun 14 2003 - 21:21:12 PDT

It was a real gullywasher on I-635 here as I went home. Since the
NDT's really s*ck on wet roads, and I have experienced issues with
steering on wet roads with the front axle disengaged, I decided to
lock in the hubs and engage he front axle so I would have some
guidance in the front.

All I can say is that while the line of cars, pickups, and SUVs was
creeping through the 4" of muddy water in a low place next to a hill
on the highway, as soon as the vehicle in front of me had gone, (it
was 100' ahead -I always give plenty of room) I charged on through and
all I can say is everyone else got a mud bath.

yes it was childish but fun..

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