RE: [MV] deuce (traffic respect)

From: Horrocks, Aaron (
Date: Wed Jun 25 2003 - 12:07:00 PDT

You mean Semi-Gloss OD #24087 like my '52 Jeep?

My favorite civy encounter is during a local downtown evening party, I drive up in my M38A1 with a friend, and we pass a group of girls who yell "HEY ARMY BOYS!" To which I promptly do a U-turn on this very narrow street by driving over the curb and up on the sidewalk and grass. Even though most Jeeps were replaced by Mutts during the Vietnam war, that wasn't the first thing out of my mouth...

The average person doesn't know much about MVs. Until I got into the hobby I though CUCVs were just plain old chevy blazers that some hicks, red necks, or a wannabe MV owner painted in camo.

Aaron Horrocks
1952 M38A1

-----Original Message-----
From: bonnie houghton []
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:06 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] deuce (traffic respect)

My deuce is painted 204087 with all the markings for 1970 and I still get
honks and waves from people.


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