From: m35products (
Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 19:45:43 PDT
I have been offered a great deal on a complete low-time M35 engine-trans.
Only problem, other than the usual packing, weighing, loading, etc, is: I
be here, and it be's there. I am in Nueva Yok, and the stuff is in The
Serene Peoples' Republik of Kalifornicatia.
I know this is a long shot, but is anyone coming this way in a half-filled
truck who wants to have their fuel, food, tolls, etc, paid for?
Just as a reminder, this combo weighs around a ton.
Thanks in advance for any advice, regardless of how jovial or sarcastic.
Actually, the sarcastic advice has already been offered by Mrs. Bloom.
Something about how it would be cheaper to move me and all my stuff there,
rather than to move the engine/trans here.
Arthur P. Bloom
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