RE: [MV] Shackle replacement web site? CJ2A

From: Glen Bedel (
Date: Mon Jun 30 2003 - 09:47:44 PDT

Your better off having the springs re-arced. Adding longer shackles to your
vehicle will prove more damaging to your suspension in the long run.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric (Home) []
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 11:14 AM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] Shackle replacement web site? CJ2A

I am going to try to replace the shackles on my 47' CJ2A since my back
passenger side of the Jeep is sagging down more than the rest of it and
shackles seem to be cheap (relatively). Anyone know of a site where this is
explained how to do? I figure there is at least 1 Jeep page where someone
documented it.

Also, if I raise it 1 1/4" from the norm will I have to raise/lower anything
else? If so, I might just go with stock replacements.



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