Date: Sat Jul 19 2003 - 16:08:47 PDT
Where I live it gets pretty hot and dry, 110 degrees f
yesterday, sometimes it hit 118+. We use these mist
makers (fine water spray) on the back patio to cool
things down, most of you have seen them. They work
good too, can drop temps 15-20 degrees, the hotter the
more efficient this misting works.
Real simple setup, just 1/4 plastic tubing with mist
emitters is all it takes, well that and a water
I'm hooking up 2 emitters inside the cab using water
from a pressurized 10 gal tank in the back of the
truck. The mist is so fine it mostly drys in the air,
so rust or water marks are not a big problem.
If it works well, maybe the Army could use something
similar for our troop vehicles in the desert? I know
I could build the mist coolers for under $15 each, so
maybe they could do for well under $1000.
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