Extra Room for Alameda Convention Available

From: Owens Export Svc. (SteveK@owens-export.com)
Date: Sun Jul 20 2003 - 19:50:47 PDT

I have one extra reservation at the
Executive Inn Embarcadero Cove, Oakland, CA for
the Alameda Convention. The reservation is for
7/23 to 7/27 (leaving date can be changed). I would
rather give this to someone on the list who needs the
reservation rather than releasing it back to the
hotel. The rate is $95 plus tax for the room.

Email me directly if you are interested, I will change
the name on the reservation to you and give you the
reservation number...

See you all in Alameda!

Steve - stevek@owens-export.com
               Owens Export Service
           Tel: 818-772-0806 Fax: 818-772-4799

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