Re: [MV] Surplus M35A2--auction vehicles generally drivable?

Date: Wed Jul 23 2003 - 13:14:32 PDT

Hi Steve, lets say you got a 2.5 ton truck from GL
that was clean, hardtop or nice softop, limited dents,
good rubber, your auction price in my area
(California) is pretty close to $2500-3100k.
Semi-rough trucks, usually absent at least one of
these, top, cargo cover, bows or sometimes seats and
maybe missing small items go around oh maybe

But, you still have to pay GL fees, still have to pay
sales tax. In with CA. sales taxes are 8% and headed
up, DMV fees high and those fees soon to be the
highest in the nation! But, you still don't know if
it's going to run and it's likely going to need a lot
before it does run. Could get expensive.

A lot of very smart guys here gave you good advice
when they said buy from a dealer. They have been
there and done that and they know.

My advice is along the same lines.

Don't even bother trying to save a few hundred bucks
by buying at a GL auction. You are far better off if
you buy from a list dealer or a list member. You'll
save a heck of a lot more in the long run. Good luck!


Military Tug

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