Re: [MV] SA-18 GAM

From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Thu Aug 14 2003 - 12:32:01 PDT

>Did you know the guy that was selling the SA-18's made
>some pretty strong anti-American, pro-terrorist
>comments into surveilance cameras. He could easily
>have been a facilitor for the real thing and a lot of
>people could have died, the ingredients were all
>there, so don't feel too sorry that he was setup.

In standard business circles this would be called "chatting up your
clients", or more blunty "kissing ass". The guy was in it for the money,
first and foremost. The two in the US certainly were. I'll say it
again... these same a-holes would have sold weapons to Israelis and
called Arabs "bastards" if they could make a buck off it. Never confuse
unscrupulous people with those of convictions.

The facts aren't yet know, but the ones that are + a little bit of
understanding of what really motivated creatures like this... greedy
blood suckers. No different than drug dealers, just with weapons.

>Next, unfortunately most people (well intended)
>commenting about Islam don't really understand the
>differences which are really key to understanding
>Islamic extremism and terrorism.

Incorrect. At least I would say for myself that I understand it
perfectly well, just in a broader context. Here in the US we have a lot
of terrorists of various sorts. Most are home grown Christain based
ones. Eric Rudolph ring a bell?

>I would suggest you
>search the web using the key words "Karbala, Shiite,

Every religion has its extreme offshoots, some of which are extremely
violent and dangerous. Others are simply overbearing, obnoxious, and/or
oppressive. The Muslim faith is no different than others, even if a bit
more in the news as of late. Don't discount the religious zealots who
cause great amounts of death, destruction, and privation from the seats
of power simply because the ones in seats of cockpits are easier to identify.


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