Re: [MV] CUCV starter problems - Thankyou! Long details...

Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 17:46:14 PDT

 We feel your pain!
Keep us up to date on the turn signal signal fiasco..
> From: "Bruce Beattie" <>
> Date: 2003/08/26 Tue PM 11:29:01 CDT
> To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
> Subject: [MV] CUCV starter problems - Thankyou! Long details...
> Thanks to all the nice folks that helped me to get my truck back on the
> road!
> I tore down the starter and solenoid. Cleaned it up good.
> Basically it was in good shape except the main solenoid contact
> which was grossly eroded/pitted on one side. I was able to rotate
> it 180 degrees and now it is as good as new.
> Reassembled and installed sub system.
> Checked batteries....The old battery discovered that I had put in a new
> battery
> back in January. 2 bad cells!
> Bought a new battery in a faraway place, and then found out that they do
> not come precharged...oops.
> Tried to fix old battery charger, but to no avail.
> From this wonderful list I took the suggestion to buy a chargetek 500
> which has two
> independent charging systems intended for use with 24volt series
> systems.
> Installed the charger right next to the pasenger side headlight just
> behind the grill and to
> the left of the NATO plug. Managed to break off one of the plastic tabs
> on the grill *&%%^&&**^
> Reassembled everything and plugged it in at night. Next morning, still
> red light indicating
> heavy charge in progress. Starting to sweat a bit. Couple of hours
> latter green light comes on.
> That's a relief.
> Decided to check glow plugs while I was at it. Found a bad one. Spent
> $18 at GMC truck
> place for one AC60G, latter to find out that a list member would sell me
> the same plug for $2.50!
> Oh la vie. Replaced plug, and attempted to plug it in. Oops,
> different size connector.
> Luckilly I had some large "fast ons" which were the right size. Put
> everything in its place and
> went for the big test. Started right up with no problems at
> all......well almost...The engine
> was just fine, but I noticed that the right turnsignal indicater was on
> solid....
> Now I know what to do tomorrow. find where I grounded the turn signal
> wire I'm guessing.
> Figure I did something when I installed the charger on that side.
> The joys of owning your own MV. This is more for your amusement since
> this was nothing like
> the things most of you have been thru.
> Thanks again for all your help!
> Bruce MVPA 23824
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