Re: [MV] Come on guys, there has to be a way!

From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Thu Sep 04 2003 - 07:28:01 PDT

>It is soon to be an election year. And the 60th Anniversary of D-Day.
> You never know what talking to your Senator or Congressman could do.
>Probably nothing but you never know.

Well, with the White House, Senate, and Congress all controlled by the
party which most people on this list think of as being pro-rights,
pro-business, and anti-govt't intrusion... if we had a shot at seeing
this (and other legislation, like the "assault gun" ban) rolled back, now
would in theory be the time. The fact that nothing has changed under
this current imbalance of power does not give me any hope for future
redress in my lifetime. And I'm generally an optimist :-(


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