Re: [MV] Off topic but possibly useful info:

From: Herr Bookmonger (
Date: Fri Sep 12 2003 - 23:27:36 PDT

If you'd like to use Google without the Big Brother features, try:

no cookies | no search-term records | access log deleted after 7

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Shaw" <>
Subject: Re: [MV] Off topic but possibly useful info:

Just an FYI, the Google Toolbar with the popup feature is a piece of
Spyware. It phones home with your web surfing sites etc to their master
server. They maintain a history on you forever re. your activities.
Nothing or very little is FREE on the net. If you dont mind them recording
what you do thats fine, but I wanted you to know. Run a search on Google
and the Toolbars and read up on it. They can keep it. And by the way they
can get personally identifiable info from you and your ISP through their


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