From: Nigel Hay MILWEB (
Date: Fri Sep 19 2003 - 23:43:35 PDT
With the 60 anniverary of D Day looming up, Jeep prices here on the Islands
off the eastern US Coast are rising fast - one wonders if it will peak in
Most expensive jeep advertised on MILWEB lately has been £10,800 ( about
15000 USD) which sold in 3 days! Generally they are around the 10,000 usd
mark - how does this compare to the USA?
Cheapest on the site at moment is £3,500
In total contrast, Georing's VW Beetle is up for sale at 120,000 USD by a US
Bizzarly, Hotchkiss M201 are outpricing the wartime ones.
I was talking to a man the other day who has 35 Hotckiss jeeps all good all
under cover put away for his pension fund. He will sell a couple a year at
top money to supplement his state pension.
if only I had kept mine - I sold it many years ago for just £1200
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Grammont" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] SS Re: [MV] anybody know this man?
> >Its just sometimes people get crackers and hackers confused.
> That's because there is no one, official set of definitions. And I for
> one have never seen your definitions used as you described them. The
> SOBs that hack into a system and cause mischief call themselves "Hackers"
> (or some such immature nonsense as h@kErZ), so I think many would
> disagree with your definitions including the punks who fit the
> My own definitions are "Hacker" is someone who "hacks" into computer
> systems, generally over the Internet, in order to snoop, destroy, copy,
> or otherwise be somewhere and do something that they are not supposed to
> be doing. These people are all criminals unless they are engaged in
> legal activities (i.e. court sanctioned snooping and corporate security
> tester for client systems ONLY). A "Cracker" is someone who "cracks" a
> software product's security defences in order to prepare it for illegal
> distribution. These guys are all criminals as well, unless they are
> testing the defences of the product for legitimate reasons (i.e.
> accademics or corporate security R&D). A WAREZ retard could be someone
> with either of these two skills, but often is just a lameo who makes
> software available for illegal sale or free distribution. They are all
> criminals without any exception. Often an individual is all three and
> generally called a Hacker. I prefer to call them other things,
> especially when I see 5 years of my life's work without its security
> coding and available for free download. Criminal is the nicest
> description I use.
> Steve
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