jeep 1st aid kit supplies

From: Brian Mead (
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 15:11:11 PDT

Just found out that there's a commercial first aid supply company that uses
the WW2 sized box. These fit perfectly in the 1st aid kit box that goes in
the WW2 jeep & other vehicles.

Some of the items in the proper sized packaging are: 3 inch Bandage
Compress, Triple Anitbiotic Ointment, Butterfly Closures, Tyvek Triangular
Bandage, Sooth a Sting Wipes, and Medical Gloves.

The packaging is not period, but if you're looking to fill out your 1st Aid
kit to really use it, you might want to check out this company.

The company name is Hart Health & Safety. I got a couple of the items at
my local REI store. You can also order online from REI at Just do a search on their site for "hart".

You could use these to refill original boxes or you can print your own
reproduction boxes using files from Hector

Brian Mead

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