From: william f cox (
Date: Thu Sep 25 2003 - 01:50:38 PDT
I'm sorry guys, but I'll have to delay any more email about the base
until sunday evening or monday evening. Getting ready to take my M35A2
and Viet Nam display to the air show ( along with many others from the
Arrowhead Chapter, MVPA ) in Fort Worth this weekend. Move-in and set up
is friday. We are going to be on the ramp, in front of the VIP Chateau,
amongst the aircraft, "center stage" so to speak.
I promise I'll respond to all about the site when I get back. I'll also
let you know where you can view photo's of the event.
Frank Cox (
Vietnam 1966
'45 GMC 353 DUKW
'66 M35A2 w/w
'68 M105A1
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