From: David Cole (
Date: Sun Oct 12 2003 - 12:54:08 PDT
I'm not sure what this has to do with MV's but since I'm hardly "lilly
white" regarding the rules myself - I'll comment.
Some logic is missing here:
I think most people agree that Sadam is a slime ball, liked to torment
people, lied through his teeth, persecuted people, and was a generally bad
dude, etc, etc, etc.
So why should we believe him when he said he has WMD?
What would you do if you were Sadam Hussein and you had people looking for
a reason to invade your country and topple your government?
I would say things like, I've got nuclear warheads mounted on ICBM's,
thousands of gallons of Anthrax and Nerve gas ready to load into warheads,
etc, etc, etc. and I bet you can't find them...
What were we worried about when we invaded Iraq? Exactly the same thing.
Is it possible that Sadam Hussein could have been lying about WMDs?
If I were him, I would have. Why not? It probably delayed the overthrow
of his government for years.
Logic Recap:
1. Sadam is a bad guy.
2. Bad Guys lie.
3. Why would we believe anything he ever said?
4. Why would anyone use anything he ever said as a possible basis for
I'm getting tired of the daily body count additions in Iraq.
I thought we had learned our lesson in Vietnam.
Like I said when this war was launched, we have no exit strategy.
We had none in Vietnam. We have none in Iraq.
Apparently Presidents are like Weathermen, they can screw up half the time
and still claim they are doing a great job.
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 14:10:09 -0700 (PDT),
<> wrote:
> Thought 90% of the list would enjoy this, 10% will
> my appologies to those few. For them, please
> stop reading right now and continue on with something
> more important or more MV related. Thanks.
> Now the news:
> Certain people among us still insist that Iraq had no
> (zip, zero, nada) weapons of mass destruction when the
> U.S. attacked in March, citing the scant evidence of
> any actual weapons finds by U.S. arms inspector, David
> Kay.
> Lost in the debate over why U.S. weapons inspectors
> have yet to uncover the Iraqi version of the Manhattan
> Project is this salient factoid: Not only did Saddam's
> regime admit to possessing thousands of tons of lethal
> chemical and biological agents - Baghdad gave a
> detailed inventory of their WMD arsenal to the United
> Nations.
> This week's "Weekly Standard" revisits Baghdad's 1998
> WMD mea culpa - complete with a laundry list of the
> frightening weapons that the press continues to
> suggest were a figment of the Bush administration's
> imagination.
> Just before Iraq kicked out U.N. weapons inspectors in
> 1998, Saddam admitted he had:
> At least 3.9 tons of deadly VX nerve gas, along with
> 805 tons of precursor ingredients for the production
> of more VX.
> 4,000 tons of ingredients to produce other types of
> poison gas.
> 8,500 liters of anthrax.
> 500 bombs fitted with parachutes for the purpose of
> delivering poison gas or germ payloads.
> 550 artillery shells filled with mustard gas.
> 107,500 casings for chemical weapons. ⤢ 157 aerial
> bombs filled with germ agents.
> 25 missile warheads containing germ agents, including
> anthrax, aflatoxin, and botulinum.
> Again, the above arsenal is NOT what U.S. or European
> intelligence said it suspected Baghdad had. These are
> the WMD's that Saddam himself admitted he had.
> It's also worth noting that the overwhelming majority
> of the WMDs Saddam admitted he had went completely
> undetected by U.N. weapons inspectors who combed Iraq
> for 12 years.
> Still, thanks to the media's five-month-long campaign
> to discredit the Iraq war - not to mention the
> horrible job done by the White House public relations
> team - most Americans have no idea that questions
> about whether Iraq was in recent possession of WMD's
> have already been answered - and answered by no less
> an authority than Saddam Hussein himself.]
> Next time some twit tries to extoll the innocence of
> Saddam, you might mention this little bit of
> historical trivia. lol
> P.S. Too bad we can't import all that seized Iraqi
> small arms ammo for plinking by USA gun owners. Billions of rounds of
> assorted ball ammo is going to
> be burned or blown up. What a shame.
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-- Dave
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