From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Tue Oct 14 2003 - 19:45:47 PDT
>I've just got to say that whoever let that kid on the weapon without closely
>spotting her is guilty of negligence - way over the top. Just an
>opinion..flame away.
I doubt you'll get any flames for that statement. At least nobody with
half a brain should think any differently. Someone screwed up and it was
very "lucky" that there was only one person killed/injured. If that
thing fell over backwards, still blazing away, it could have been dozens.
Like MV accidents through stupidity/
negligence/unfamiliarity/egomania/etc, firearms accidents at organized
events can have a profound effect on the entire hobby so it is in our
best interests to bring obvious safety concerns like this to event
coordinators when spotted. MAKE them fix the problem. Someone else's
screwup might wind up killing our hobbies (or worse, killing people and
our hobbies), which means their problem is our problem!!
The tradgedy at Knob Creek could have been quite easily prevented by the
sounds of it. I don't have a lot of experience with full auto events, but
the ones I attended (not the NK event) anybody that small (age is not the
relevant factor) would have to be spotted and braced. I have some great
footage of a 5'4 (or there abouts) adult woman firing a MP5 and someone
had to brace her shoulders or she would have fallen over! I took the
video footage because of the funny sight of her needing to be braced for
such a small weapon and NOT because she was hot! That's my story to my
wife and I am sticking to it :-)
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