From: J. Forster (
Date: Thu Nov 06 2003 - 17:05:44 PST
> Hi,
> How can I test how much it's putting out? I heard that the miliatary undervalues such things. Maybe it's puting out twice as much as it says? How can I find out?
> Thanks,
> Claude ----N.Y.
There are a couple of simple ways. The first would be to put a voltmeter (a DC voltmeter if it's a DC generator) across the output and increase the load until the
measured voltage drops say 5% from a very lightly loaded condition. A simple way to do this would be to get a string of lights, such as are typically used in
construction, and a dozen ordinary 50 watt bulbs (NOT the compact fluorescent types). Start of with only one bulb and note the voltage, and then add more until the
steady state voltage drops 5%.
If you are not comfortable with electricity, do the same as above, but observe the color of the first lamp and compare it, side by side, with another lamp operating
from a wall plug as a reference. The color of an incandescent lamp varies drastically with the applied voltage.
Note that the output will dip a bit every time you add a light bulb and recover in a second or two, assuming the governor is working.
As to exceeding the generator's ratings, that's not the greatest idea. It will tolerate an overload for brief periods (like starting a motor or turning on a lamp) but
if you overload it for a long time, it may overheat or fail in some other way. I suspect this unit was used to run the lights and possibly a suction machine in a small
medical tent or some such application. High voltage DC generators are not commonly used for radios.
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