Re: MVPA website & OD Radio Frequencys

From: John Cook (
Date: Tue Nov 11 2003 - 08:35:39 PST

Yep, The MVPA website comes up blank for me, wonder what up?

  Please only operate military radios on legally licensed amateur radio
frequencys, and cause no intereference, we ham operators want to keep our
radio privleges.
No one "owns" a particular amateur frequency. Good radio operating edicate
is important to those that are active radio operators as well has military
vehicle enthusiats. 46 mhz to 47 mhz is used for; police, fire, US military
and other government uses , so it not a good idea to ever transmit on that
part of the 6 meter low band,as one fellow found out when he interferred
with police radio in So. CA. last year, he went to jail for a while. A
spread of 49mhz frequencys can be used unlicensed with very low power, baby
moniters and very low power personal comunication devices like those sold
for motorcycle intercommunications are on those frequencys. I don't want
military vehicle owners to get a bad rap for they way they use OD radios, as
it is, the scuttle butt I hear on the bands is that DOD is shreading
surplus PRC-104s instead of offering them surplus, and they are a great hf
manpack rig. I also heard that they are buying up all the RT-524 that they
can to give the Afganies. Buts thats just all roumors. BTW if anyone has a
PRC-104 , GRC-213 or GRC-193 for a wonderfully low price please contact me
off list.

  Still having too much fun with MUTTS and radios,

  aka. John Cook

  link to a radio frequency allocation list I found ;

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