From: Vadim Kogan (vadim@XCF.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Tue Nov 18 2003 - 08:26:26 PST
On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 03:27:59PM -0800, Scuba Steve wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice on
> doing this conversion on a 1987 humvee. I need
> everything, engine, tranny, wiring if there is new
> wiring. I am wondering what all I have to change.
> Also does the overdrive tranny need a computer to run?
> Will the transfer case from the 6.2 mount up to the
> overdrive? Any info would be appreciated and any
> ideas where I can get all the parts I need would also
> be helpful. Thanks all
> Scuba
Transmission-wise, you have an option of 4L80E (what military/hummers use
now, electronically controlled, 12volt) or a beefed-up 700R4 (if you get the
one that came from behind a diesel, mechanical, a little shorter, doable).
But, if you're really into putting a lot of effort to get more HP and better
tranny, you may also consider putting a duramax/allison combo in (apparently
ALL the mounts would need to be worked on, I'm still trying to find out what
else has to be touched). But definitely beats 6.5/4L80E :-)
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