Date: Thu Nov 20 2003 - 14:54:14 PST
Nickolay Panov wrote:
> Hi all! I again ask a pardon for my English language. Anyone knows
> Goliaf for sale now? I shall be grateful for the help. Goliaf is a
> small controlled tank of destruction of the German army, which was
> used, in the period WWII. Goliaf is present in a museum Kubinka in
> Russia. The announcement of sale Goliaf was in a magazine "W&T" 2 or
> 3 years back. I have no this magazine, me was informed about it by my
> friend. Also one Goliaf was offered for sale in the Czech Republic
> eight years back. I have not more information for today about this
> vehicle of destruction. I have only old and bad photo of this
> vehicle. My friend searches for purchase Goliaf. Where I can find any
> information about Goliaf (photo, figures, circuits, history of
> creation, where was applied in WWII)? Regards,
There was a very good set of articles about the series in the Tankette
magazine from MAFVA - there was more than one variant. I can scan it in
and send it to you if you want Nickolay.
Incidentally back in my simonides group days we thought we had managed
to locate the quarry where all the Goliaths were dumped after the
americans cleaned out the factory after capturing it. Must get myself a
mechanical digger and go look one day.
-- TTFN Jim ICQ: 58721472 **************************************************** The best mailing lists and forums recommended by JED ****************************************************
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