Re: [MV] chicago, ill

From: Maurizio Beretta (
Date: Wed Nov 26 2003 - 23:49:23 PST

At 05.17 27/11/2003, jonathon wrote:

> >Early in december, I will spend a couple of days in Chicago.
> >...then...any suggestion in the area? (museums, dealers,...)
>The museum of science and industry has a real German U in what
>has always been a pretty rough area. Do use thier parking lot,... and do
>not hang around as it gets dark.

Hi JE,

tks for suggestion...I was at the S&I already and you're right..U-Boat is
by the way...I had a bus ride !! (yes, I'm used to go to Chicago...
and I fully understand what you mean...) ;-)))

> I'll try to think of anything else but I'm drawing blank
>right now.
>good luck,

tks! appreciate!!! this way I have the chance of staying there 48hrs...and
I love driving in the States!!


  Maurizio BERETTA

  Chiasso, 11
  20155 Milano MI Italy
  ph. + 39 023270228 fax + 39 023270228
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