From: Fred H. Schlesinger (
Date: Thu Dec 04 2003 - 05:19:25 PST
This is a great idea, suggested by Glen McCauley from Md on the Military
Vehicles mailing list.
See "Original Message" below
I have added a forum to the MTA discussion forum on state laws. We can compile
this information and it will be available on the web for everyone.
Please visit the link below and take a minute to add your state to the forum
topics and whatever information you think is appropriate for registration or
driving an MV in your state.
Link to MTA State Laws forum:
Info For military vehicle mailing listers: This discussion forum is an
educational project of the MTA of New Jersey, a non-profit military vehicle club
with well over 200 members, most of whom are located in northern and central New
Jersey. You do not have to be a member to read or post. If you register for
the forum, you can pick a screen name and, you get more privileges, it is
encouraged, but it is not required. You do not have to leave any personal
information about yourself.
Lets do this. It will only take you a minute, but if we get all fifty states,
it would be a real public service.
----- Original Message -----
| It just seems MD
| officials don't know MD law and I suspect we are not the only state with
| that problem. Case in point: I got so many wildly different stories as to
| whether I could commercially tag a deuce for business use that I decided to
| tag it historic so I could at least drive it around while I figured out what
| is truly what.
| When I went to motor vehicles for historic tags the "information" desk
| person I spoke with said can't do that - can't get historic tags for
| anything over 1 ton. I pointed out that the antique fire engine guys do it
| somehow, and she sniffed and invited me to waste my time if I wanted with
| the Title Dept. supervisor but there was no way I would get historic tags
| for an 18,000# truck. The title dept. supervisor said no problem, you can
| put historic tags on anything that moves and some things that can't move.
| Got the tags, paid my money, and left. Resisted showing the tags to the
| "information" desk lady on my way out. No point.
| Education is the answer (assuming the people involved are educable I
| suppose).
| Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a reference source for "THIS is how you get
| it done in <picka> state for your MV". MVPA have anything like that anyone
| know?
| Glenn.
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