From: Chris Stansbury (
Date: Thu Dec 11 2003 - 09:23:24 PST
Hey Guys,
I received an e-mail from a fella who is looking for a MB, GPW, or M38 in
LA. Here's a copy of his message:
"Dear Sir, I live n Los Angles and am interested in buying a world war ll
type jeep. I plan to use it on behalf of Navy recruiting in Los Angeles
County. I'm looking for something similiar to the type of jeep you would've
found taking pilots toi and from the flight line. If you can help or know of
someone who can please contact me. Iam a serious buyer."
If anyone has one for sale or knows someone who is selling one, let me know
and I'll give you the guy's contact information. I don't know him at all,
he just found my site and e-mailed me. Thanks.
Chris Stansbury, O.D.
1301 Lee Street East
Charleston, WV 25301
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